Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Some of Esther’s cake stands were featured on BBC Twos ‘Mary Queen Of Shops’, which is still on BBC iPlayer,. In this episode Mary tried reinventing a tired, bizarre homeware shop in Kingston, turning it into a popular vintage interiors store, where the cake stands took centre stage in the fab new look… watch it here:

There is also a feature on Etsy’s blog ‘The Stork’ all about Esther’s DIY/up-cycled wedding. (just one of the things we’ve been up to here!) With lots of cake, ice cream and up cycling tips for the wedding season, including photos of how the cake stands came into their own as wedding cake towers…
Have a peek here:

Upcoming Shows

Later in the year Esther will be showing/selling at:
Origin Craft Fair in London from 23rd-29th September.
MADE 10 in Brighton from the 18th-21st November.

New Stockists

New work is now up on the etsy shop, check it out:

Soon there will be work for sale on with new stockist ‘the Itch Galleries’ website.

New work is also available at the National Gallery shop in the next week or two.